Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Vietnam Military Equipment

Vietnam Military Equipment - Emphasizing a foreign policy of independence and self-reliance, Vietnam first responded to the Chinese threat by initiating a modest program to upgrade its naval and air forces in the mid-1990s. Between 1995 and 1999, Hanoi ordered six fighters, six fighters/

ground attack and 40 anti-ship missiles. BCA Thanh Binh One Member Company Limited was established in 2015 after two of the MPS factories were consolidated. The company specializes in the manufacture, assembly and supply of mechanical defense products, importation of defense and security equipment, and consultancy work and engages in technology transfer.

Vietnam Military Equipment

Us Helicopter Pilots (Vietnam War) - Icm HoldingSource:

In September 2021, Japan and Vietnam signed an agreement to allow the export of Japanese-made defense equipment and technology. Vietnam is the 11th country to sign the agreement with Japan to counter China's aggressive claim in the East and South China Seas.

Enterprises Under The Ministry Of National Defense Mnd

Japan and Vietnam are discussing the possible agreement on Self-Defense Forces ships in the very near future. The Vietnam Coast Guard (VCG) is one of the forces receiving major attention and investment from the Vietnamese government for modernization, because it would help reduce political costs when directly confronting foreign counterparts.

Instead of building a large battleship, Vietnam is prioritizing equipping the VCG with large, mobile, high-speed patrol vessels capable of operating offshore with long hours and severe weather conditions. In addition, maritime patrol aircraft, which provide surveillance over a large naval area, are also a focus of investment.

Vietnam's MND issued Decision No. 84 in 2007 to regulate the import and export of defense equipment. Accordingly, the Vanxuan General Import and Export Corporation (VAXUCO), an importer of military articles owned by the MND, is the Ministry's designated importer of military articles and is authorized to sign purchases on behalf of the MND.

Other importers of military dual-use items are GAET, Viettel, Tecapro, Hitaco and Thai Son Corporation. This US Marine Corps soldier during the Battle of Hue in February 1968 wears standard olive green combat dress and flak jacket.

Air Force

The bayonet of his 5.56mm M16A1 rifle is fixed for house-to-house combat, and slung across his body is a 7.62mm ammunition belt for his squad's M60 light machine gun. Your package includes spare clothes and equipment.

A big, ugly, flying fortress, the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress was designed and introduced in the early 1950s. Powered by eight turbojet engines, during the war B-52s were capable of massive air strikes, often carrying payloads of tens of thousands of pounds.

Operating from Guam and Thailand, B-52 strikes were conducted as part of Operations Rolling Thunder, Arc Light, and Linebacker I/II. The air strikes by B-52 bombers during Vietnam remain some of the most brutal aerial bombing in the history of warfare.

Icm 1:32 Us Helicopter Pilots (Vietnam) — HtdirectSource:

The aircraft itself remains active in the US Air Force today, one of the longest serving aircraft in the US military. Although the United States has had some level of involvement in Vietnam since the 1950s, the first US combat troops arrived in Vietnam in March 1965. They were US Marines stationed at the US air base in Da Nang.

Naval Force

TECAPRO, Technological Application & Production One Member Limited Liability Company was founded in 1988 and operates under the MND with the main functions of research, technology transfer application, production and business, serves defense and economic tasks and focuses on the development of four key

. technological areas: information technology, electronics and telecommunications and environmental technology, simulation technology. TECAPRO is in the process of riding as part of the MOD restructuring project. When Vietnam launched the Doi Moi policy to reform and open its economy in 1986, the country's leaders emphasized the need to strengthen border security and modernize its military.

They aspired to turn the Vietnam People's Army into a regular, reasonably organized, balanced, compact and robust force to protect the hard-won national sovereignty and maintain the security of its borders, airspace, islands and surrounding waters.

Between 2003 and 2018, Vietnam's military spending increased by about 687 percent. However, the figure itself, while impressive, does not tell the full story of how Vietnam was able to transform its military from a battle-hardened but technologically deficient force of the Vietnam War era to a relatively modern and

Vietnam Defense Policy And International Partnership

capable of today The use of armor by the North Vietnamese should not be overestimated: tanks were limited for most of the war and were often destroyed by American air power before they had any real effect.

However, the North Vietnamese out-gunned Soviet tanks during the war, which became more powerful in 1973 when the United States left Vietnam. One of the most used tanks was the Russian T-54 (or its Chinese variant, the Type 59).

With a 100 mm gun and a top speed of about 30 km/h, the T-54 helped lead the final collapse of South Vietnam in 1975. Vietnam was the most heavily bombed country in history. More than 6.1 million tons of bombs were dropped, compared to 2.1 million tons in World War II.

American planes dropped 20 million gallons of herbicide to strip the Viet Cong hideouts. The chemicals decimated 5 million hectares of forest and 500,000 hectares of farmland. However, costs related to the demobilization of Vietnam's armed forces, and the loss of Soviet military aid at the end of the Cold War, led to significant cuts in the country's annual defense budget, which fell from $1.31 billion in 1987 to $431 million in 1987.

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United States

dollars . 1994. The M16 would become the standard service rifle for US troops during the 1960s, seeing widespread use in Vietnam and largely replacing the M14. The gun was revolutionary in many ways, but not without problems.

Firing a 5.56 mm cartridge and with automatic capabilities, the M16 was lighter than the M14 and more compact, which meant that each soldier could carry more ammunition. Constructed of steel, plastic, and aluminum alloys, the M16 marked a sharp visual change from the wood-based rifles that had defined warfare for centuries.

The weapon developed a bad reputation for malfunctioning among its early adopters, leading to an upgraded M16A1 version. The United States Navy has operated a number of small craft in the rivers and waterways of the Mekong Delta.

The most common and commemorated today were the patrol boat, the river or the PBRs. These small ships served in Vietnam from about 1966 until late 1971, when US forces were at the end of their mission.

Anti-Communist Forces

Patrolling the large delta, PBR crews were involved in security and patrol operations, in addition to broader coordination with ground units, including the insertion and extraction of special forces. PBRs typically carried twin forward-mounted .50 caliber machine guns, along with a 40 mm grenade launcher and additional machine guns on the rear or side.

Although the crews were usually about four soldiers, the boats were a key component of the "brown water navy" that patrolled Vietnam. In December 2021, Vietnam and Russia reached an agreement to expand cooperation in trade and military technology to serve a new goal of Vietnam and Russia deepening their "comprehensive strategic partnership" by 2030. in Vietnam in the near future may

stop due to Russia's inability to comply with the military order following its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. The invasion also results in sanctions against Russia, which prevent them from accessing critical advanced technology in defense manufacturing.

which make it difficult for the country to enter into post-service contracts with military customers. Vietnam's long coastline and waterways gave the US Navy many opportunities to contribute to the war effort. The US Navy operated a number of aircraft carriers offshore to provide air support to troops in South Vietnam and attack targets in the North.

The Communist Forces

The heavy guns of cruisers and destroyers could provide sustained artillery fire near the coast, and in the Mekong Delta, naval patrols provided security and engaged Viet Cong forces. The US Navy also provided helicopter support, medical aid, logistics management and other services during the war, but the roles of carriers and patrol boats are worth explaining in more detail.

Vietnam War Us & Allied Combat Equipments By Gordon L. Rottman, Paperback,  9781472819055 | Buy Online At The NileSource:

GTEL, Global Telecommunications Corporation, was founded in 2007 by MPS with a focus on providing telecommunications and information technology, radio, television, multimedia communication, network security, e-commerce solutions, import and technology research in telecommunications equipment, technology of

information and network security. products In September 1945, the victors of World War II decided to divide Vietnam rather than unify it. They believed that Vietnam did not have the experience to govern itself. France has ruled since 1887, and Japan has ruled since 1940. The US Navy operated four classes of aircraft carriers during the Vietnam War: the World War II Essex-class aircraft carriers, the postwar Midway-class, the Forrestal-class, and the Kitty Hawk-class

. The three Kitty Hawks (plus the John F. Kennedy, itself a variant of the Forrestal class) were ordered between 1961 and 1968 and were the most modern carriers in the world. The three aircraft carriers Kitty Hawk, Kitty Hawk, Constellation and America had conventional propulsion, producing 280,000 horsepower.

Major Local Players And Market Access Issues

More than 1,000 feet long and displacing more than 80,000 tons of water when fully loaded, each could carry up to 90 aircraft. Navy aircraft carriers fly a variety of aircraft, including A-4 Skyhawks, A-7s, F-8 Crusaders, and many more.

In 1947, Soviet weapons designer Mikhail Kalashnikov produced a new variant of an automatic assault rifle. The automatic Kalashnikov, model of the year 1947, was easily adopted by the Soviet army and was soon used by most of the members of the Warsaw Pact.

The AK-47 fires a 7.62 mm cartridge, and has become one of the most widely used weapons in the world, thanks to its reliability in harsh conditions, low manufacturing costs and the ease with which soldiers can be trained in its use.

During the Vietnam War, both the Viet Cong and the Vietnam People's Army (the North Vietnamese Army) used the weapon extensively, thanks to the support of the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China. VIETTEL, Viettel Military Industry and Telecoms Group, is Vietnam's largest telecommunications service provider.

It is a state-owned company wholly owned and operated by the Ministry of Defense with more than 70,000 employees inside and outside the country. Its operation is mainly focused on telecommunications and information technology (IT); Research and manufacture of electronic and telecommunications equipment;

defense industry; Cybersecurity and digital services. Viettel High Technology Industries Corporation, a subsidiary of Viettel, was established in May 2019 to develop defense technology in areas such as communications, electronic warfare, radars, and command and control systems.

Does The Modern Vietnam Army Still Use Some Of American Equipment From The War Era? - QuoraSource:

After the oil rig incident in 2014, there was also a change in Vietnam's strategy. In addition to self-help efforts, Vietnam has strengthened defense cooperation with major powers. The United States, Japan, South Korea and others have helped Vietnam improve its law enforcement and maritime security.

Among the major items, South Korea agreed to transfer a Po Hang corvette to Vietnam in 2017, which was delivered the following year. The US Coast Guard transferred a Hamilton-class cutter to the Vietnam Coast Guard in May 2017 and has promised to deliver a second in 2020. The International Trade Administration, the US Department of Commerce, manages this global trade site for

provide access to ITA's information on promoting trade and investment, strengthening the competitiveness of US industry and fair trade, and ensuring compliance with trade laws and agreements. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the opinions or privacy policies contained therein.

This site contains PDF documents. A PDF reader is available from Adobe Systems Incorporated. American infantrymen bore the brunt of the Vietnam War II effort; there were more than 500,000 US troops in Southeast Asia in 1968-69.

Between 1964 and 1973, 45,790 died, making the war increasingly unpopular in the United States. The Australians had 7,672 enlisted men in 1969. Dividing the country has economic consequences. The North had mineral resources and manufacturing industries.

Its centrally planned economy focused on industrial expansion at the expense of domestic consumption. Democracy in the South gave its people a higher standard of living by producing personal goods. The south was the rice surplus area of ​​the country, exporting more than 1 million tons of rice before World War II.

A wide variety of equipment was used during the war, too numerous to cover here. Instead, you will find some of the most important weapons used in the war and a short description of each one.

In addition, the guerrilla nature of Viet Cong troops and the lack of uniformity of many North Vietnamese forces makes it difficult to speak of their equipment in comparison to the United States. However, it is important to note that the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong used advanced weapons systems during the war, although these weapons were used on a limited basis and in conjunction with more traditional weapons.

The 2006 Political Report of the 9th Central Committee presented at the 10th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) aspired to make Vietnam a strong regional naval economy. The plan includes the development of a system of seaports, shipping, oil and gas exploitation and processing, and marine products and services.

Exclusive: U.s. Considers Hawk Air Defense Equipment For Ukraine | ReutersSource:

To achieve this, Vietnam needs to formulate and implement a comprehensive strategy for both economic development and securing control of the surrounding maritime areas. This Australian infantryman carries his squad's 7.62mm light machine gun and two spare ammunition belts.

The weight of its weaving material is carried by the belt; the front of his body is clear, so he can lie comfortably in the exposed shooting position. Australians have inherited two generations of jungle warfare, and this experience shows in their extra water bottles, the value of which more than compensates for the extra weight.

First, they are the first vets to be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Called "shell shock" in previous wars, PTSD was recognized as a treatable disorder that the US Department of Veterans Affairs should pay for.

Vietnam vets are more likely to suffer from PTSD because they were not honored like vets in previous wars. Instead, many chose not to talk about their wartime experiences. As many faced retirement, their PTSD took center stage and required treatment.

The exhibition is expected to welcome senior military and defense leaders from ASEAN and other countries along with senior leaders from key agencies and units under the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam and the Vietnam People's Army, thus providing a unique networking opportunity

for all defense suppliers. . offer, actors and partners. More than 2.5 million US soldiers were exposed to Agent Orange. The Department of Veterans Affairs studied 668,000 Vietnam veterans with exposure to Agent Orange. Those who were chemically treated were 33% more likely to have children with birth defects.

Settlement Fund Federal officials approved diabetes a decade ago as a disease eligible for cash settlement. It is now the most compensated disease for Vietnam vets. Vietnam has improved its air power capabilities since 2011. Combat aircraft, multi-role combat aircraft, UAVs, anti-submarine and maritime surveillance aircraft, electronic warfare aircraft are considered essential to modernize and strengthen Vietnam's air force.

Currently, most of Vietnam's military aircraft are from Russia, Poland, France or the Czech Republic. Therefore, to make a way to make purchases from other suppliers, aircraft training, technical support and equipment maintenance are required to educate and familiarize military personnel with the operation of new devices.

BCA Thang Long One Member Company Limited was established in 1993 by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) and under the direct management of the Security Industry Department (SID) - MPS. The company operates in many sectors including trading, manufacturing and construction.

It is also the leading importer of special vehicles, specialist safety equipment and fire protection for MPS.

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